tERRORbane Game Review

You have the chance to be Terrorbane one of the heroes of the game’s creator’s tireless pursuit of the most perfect video game. Your journey will be a jRPG-inspired adventure that is full of gaming icons and you’ll have to hunt down bugs in order to become the Bane of Errors.
Even though it’s presented in a 16bit jRPG-style graphical adventure The story of tERRORbane follows the adventures of a developer of videogames looking to evaluate the Player, his unlucky subject.
If you are a player, you must endure the sloppy but funny storyline and ever-changing gameplay, in a bid to learn how to exploit bugs and overcome the odds of insurmountable that stand between you and your reward, which will be the final credits! Become Terrorbane, the legend’s hero! Journey through majestic lands and defeat epic foes!There are no flaws in this game! It is a subtle reference to famous games! Developer is here to guide and help you!A completely bug-free experience!
Wondering what you can expect from this fourth-wall-breaking meta-commenting legend-referencing bug-finding piece of art?
The following are available in the newspaper tERRORBANE
JRPG that is a great game featuring majestic lands and mighty foes
Fun characters and snappy dialogue
There are more videogame references than you can possibly handle.
A warm, but a little cocky developer
Modern take on traditional mechanics
Absolutely no bugs!
The world is diverse and doesn’t fit in any particular category (Fantasy? Post-apo? (We don’t really know!)
Okay, we might have a few bugs however, it’s your responsibility to assist us in finding them.

Reviewed by genshin rape comic

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